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Buitengracht Street, Cape Town

Changes to Jewellery factory - ongoing

It is a running joke in our office that we have a story to tell about every inch of this building. We were party to the initial planning concepts of the space with all the complicated services required for this manufacturing process. The internal routing of the services was resolved in suspending wire racks on a grid from the ceiling. Each service was allocated a different height for circulating to ensure that the services can be easily adapted if equipment moves. Supporting the weight of the new manufacturing equipment on an existing floor slab, kept the engineers well occupied.

After completing the installation of the factory, our client tasked us to design a “visitor’s tunnel” where tourists can view the jewellery production process and gain access to the top floor by means of a staircase. Realising this brief entailed cutting a stairwell through a concrete slab whilst the entire factory remained operational. Detailing and coordinating such installations are what we do best.

Placing the external services in such a manner that is not offensive or intrusive to the residential neighbours was another design challenge. From this we learned that dialogue between all parties achieves the best outcome for all.


Tel: 021 448 2406     Email:

Address: Unit 56, Roeland Square, Drury Lane, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa

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